A big thank you to all of you who came out to see the opening of RUMPLESTILTSKIN at the Coolidge. We had 140 smiling faces.

Here is our newest cast member preparing before the show. Erin webb is playing Cynthia this time around. She is a graduate of Emerson and is excited to be performing with Makeshift!
Next we have the cast of

RUMPLESTILTSKIN braving the early morning snow and 14 degree weather to have their picture take with our full size poster hanging out front at The Coolidge.
We have 4 more weekends at the Coolidge and then we will be performing at The Regent Theatre in Arlington. Also, coming up next month we will be having auditions for our spring production of SLEEPING BEAUTY!!!
Again THANKS to all of you who came out for our opening day! And, as always, we disavow any knowledge of the goings on of our wayward Dramaturge and intern.
~Cast and Crew of Makeshift Theatre Co.
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