Monday, February 11, 2008

Alice is through the looking glass...

Hey all!

We just finished our second week of Alice and everyone is having a great time, the actors and the audience. There is not a much better combination than that! We have 3 more performances at the Coolidge before we move to the Regent For the March performance. ---Don'y forget the Raffle this coming Saturday!! There will be fun prizes and such!! I will try to take some pictures and video this weekend and have it posted the following day!

In other news we are building up steam with Cinderella. It is always tricky starting one show before one is finished. I know larger theatres have a full time crew and it gets super busy. Though we be small we be mighty!!! Cinderella auditions are coming up quick, so if you are interested send Mr. Vinnie an email. It will be directed by Nicole Catalano, who is making her Makeshift debute! We will also be welcoming a new SM to the ranks, her name is Coral.

That's all the new for now. Tune in later dear readers and I may give out some hints to the shows that are on the short list for next year!!! Yes, we are already planning next year... an ounce of prevention gets early birds and all that.


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