Monday, September 24, 2007
Dance of joy, Dance of joy...
I can smell the excitment!!! Either that or I need to shower.
The last wiffle ball game of the season was yesterday and I heard it was a heck of a turn out!! Can't wait till next year!!
...and did I mention... THE CAMCORDER HAS BEEN SHIPPED!!!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Rehearsals and art work for Jack...
The poster art for Jack has been completed! Once again we had Ms. Kristen Boucher behind the pencil... or drawing tablet as the case may be. She is all digital and such, completely cool! Check it out!
I also took some pictures at rehearsal last week, so here is your first look at some of the cast of Jack and the Beanstalk.
Here we have Kenny Roraback who is playing Jack, and Julia Bingham who is playing Cordelia, Jack's love interest. You might recognize Julia from Sleeping Beauty!
Here is a good pic of 90% of the cast including Carolyn, Kristen (of poster fame), Stephen, Shaine; Bottom: Julia, kenny, Malia (call me Lia).
Here is Herr Director (Overby) with Mr. Vinnie going over the role of the Giant @ 29 Cedar. Most of the role will be done by voice over which fantastic sound guy Josh will be recording for us. How cool is that?! VERY!
I see that blogger can no upload video which I would be uber excited about except that... The camorder that Mr. Rhodes ordered is still on fricken back order. It's been over a month sice he ordered it... stupid Best Buy!!! But fear not fans... as soon as it arrives you will be seeing thiings in NeroVision. I know you all tingly with excitment!!
Wiffle ball next Sunday!!!
~Nero the Impatient
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Meet the cast of Jack..
The cast of Jack and the Beanstalk:
Natalie Cabral / Jack's Mom
Julia Bingham / Cordellia
Kenny Roraback / Jack
Carolyne Gallo / Victoria
Malia Wright / Elizabeth
Shaine Carney / Thalia, Muse of Comedy
Kristen Boucher / Mel, Muse of Tragedy
Stephen Libby / Story Teller
Vinnie Morreale / Jack's Dad, Giant
Thanks too all of you who came out! Mr. Rhodes said there were many, MANY talented people. He was most impressed.
I will have some pictures soon! Happy Labor Day!